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Conference on Research and Training in Spatial Intelligence


Keynote: Spatial Experience, Technology, and Cognition (4.9 Mb PDF)
Marcia C. Linn

The role of landmarks in the development of object location memory (14.7 Mb PPT)
Jesse Bullens

Contributions of Spatial Skills to Geometry Achievement (0.3 Mb PPT)
Yvonne Kao & John Anderson

Improving Early Spatial Intelligence Through Science Notebook Graphic Production
Effective Elementary Classroom Practices
(0.9 Mb PPT)
Eric N. Wiebe
Lauren P. Madden
John C. Bedward
Mike Carter
James Minogue

Spatial and Numerical Predictors of Measurement Skills in Boys and Girls from Lower- and Higher-Income Communities
Beth Casey, Marina Vasilyeva, & Eric Dearing (1.0 Mb PPT)

Visual Analytics and the Geometry of Thought—
Spatial Intelligence through Sapient Interfaces
(3.8 Mb PPT)
Alexander Klippel & Frank Hardisty

Test Scores Associated with Lessons Designed to Engage Spatial Thinking in Kindergarten and First Grade (6.0 Mb PPT)
Philip J and Carol A Gersmehl

Spatial ability and gender as predictors of mathematics problem solving skills (0.1 Mb PPT)
Martha Carr, Pat Janes, & Sara Woodruff

Is Mental Rotation the Foundational Spatial Skill? (3.5 Mb PPT)
Sheryl Sorby, Kedmon Hungwe, & Tom Drummer

Incorporating Spatial Visualization Curriculum across the United States
(0.9 Mb PPT)
Norma Veurink, AJ Hamlin, & Sheryl Sorby

Experience and retrieval mode as potential modulating factors in gender differences in distance knowledge of a daily environment. (1.6 Mb PPT)
Maartje de Goede & Albert Postma

The Role of Analogy in Learning Spatial Concepts in Geoscience (4.3 Mb PPT)
Benjamin Jee, David Uttal, Dedre Gentner, Cathy Manduca, Thomas Shipley, Brad Sageman, Carol Ormand, & Basil Tikoff.

Individual Differences in Mental Rotation of Real World Shepard-Metzler Figures
An Eye Tracking Study
(0.6 Mb PPT + 30.4 Mb AVI)
AVI Alone: Site Demo
Shannon Fitzhugh, Thomas F Shipley, Nora Newcombe, & Dominique Dumay

How do we process text with spatial information? (2.1 Mb PPT)
Marijn E. Struiksma, Matthijs L. Noordzij, Bas F.W. Neggers & Albert Postma

Training Generalized Spatial Transformation Skills (3.2 Mb PPT)
Giorgio Ganis, Stephen M. Kosslyn , Nora S. Newcombe, William L. Thompson & Rebecca Wright

The Effects of Working Memory Training versus Spatial Visualization Training on General Intelligence Measures, Spatial Intelligence Measures and Eye Movements (0.9 Mb PPT + 10.7 Mb AVI)
AVI Alone: 45 Degree One Axis
Shannon Fitzhugh, Alexandra Morrison, Thomas F. Shipley, Jason Chein, & Nora Newcombe

Training Spatial Skills: A Meta-analysis (2.9 Mb PPT)
Linda Liu Hand, David H. Uttal, Loren Marulis & Nora S. Newcombe

Spatial perception and hemispheric lateralization
– a factor analysis approach
(0.4 Mb PDF)
Ineke J.M. van der Ham & Albert Postma

Embedding computers in books to improve spatial situation models (3.0 Mb PPT)
Glenn Gordon Smith

Exploring the Boundaries of Spatial Intelligence (5.2 Mb PPT + unlinked video)
WMV Alone: Pair (4.0 Mb)
WMV Alone: Other Presentation 3 (5.9 Mb)
WMV Alone: Other Presentation 1 (10.0 Mb)
WMV Alone: A1 Site on Shoulder (6.5 Mb)
Uday Athavankar

Built form as visual-spatial confrontation (25.3 Mb PPT)
Ameya Athavankar

Spatial Visualization Training Using Interactive Animations (1.4 Mb PPT)
Companion Video (3.4 Mb MOV)
Cheryl A. Cohen & Mary Hegarty

NSF SILC Northwestern University

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